Monday, April 20, 2020

Stay Home! - or Protest! - and Read This! A Coronavirus Reading Sampler (April 20, 2020)

We are offering our top 10 selections, probably daily, of the best (most interesting, weirdest) articles and podcasts on COVID-19 and American policy responses.

Overall our reading leads us to think there ARE and  SHOULD BE "libertarians in a pandemic," and that indeed non-libertarian policies are what make responses to the pandemic inadequate.

If we were religious we'd wonder if coronavirus were a biblical plague sent to punish the kind of people who are wishing death and disease on peaceful protesters asking for freedom of assembly and the right to earn a living. The hard hit areas do seem to be full of such people, perhaps in part because they were fans of government mass transit.

1) New York City begins harassing children selling candy.  (The Intercept)

2) Federal Reserve bank predicts 32% unemployment due to lockdown policies.  (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)

3) Patton Oswalt, other Hollywood celebrities, Potemkin Village fake "nurses," and TDS twitterati wish variously death, disease, and Darwin Awards on people protesting for freedom of assembly and the right to earn a living. (reason)

4) Without downstate New York the U.S. would not rank in the top 10 countries for coronavirus.  What needed to be shutdown were the NY subways. (PJ Media

5) People who get the flu shot are more likely to get older people? (Science Direct)

6) Police state:  drones are used to impose social distancing edicts.  (The Federalist)

7) The lockdown continues to kill people.  (Spiked)

8) How many deaths would justify total government control of everything? (Mises Wire)

9) Coronavirus Dreaming. (Fatherly)

10) Why politicians focus on the trivial (American Institute of Economic Research)

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