Sunday, April 26, 2020

Stay Home - or Protest! - and Read This! A Coronavirus Reading Sampler (April 25-26, 2020 Weekend Edition)

We are offering our top 10 selections, probably daily, of the best (most interesting, weirdest) articles and podcasts on COVID-19 and American policy responses.

Overall our reading leads us to think there ARE and  SHOULD BE "libertarians in a pandemic," and that indeed non-libertarian  policies are what make responses to the pandemic inadequate.

If we were religious we'd wonder if coronavirus were a biblical plague sent to punish the kind of people who are wishing death and disease on peaceful protesters asking for freedom of assembly and the right to earn a living. The hard hit areas do seem to be full of such people, perhaps in part because they were fans of government mass transit, which seems to be a vector for infection.

1) Urgent care doctors who have collected data from thousands of coronavirus tests call for ending lockdown.  (American Institute for Economic Research)

2) Governor Cuomo forced nursing homes to accept coronavirus infected residents; now New York has the highest mortality rates.  (NBC News

3)  Many New York residents have already had coronavirus with no symptoms.  (Times Union)

4)  People without income because of the lockdown plan a rent strike for May; leftist journalists laud them and assume they are not the same people at Re-Open protests.  (The Intercept)

5) The lockdown may have tripled suicide rates.  (The Hill)

6) The lockdown has flattened not the curve, but the U.S. healthcare economy.  (The Federalist)

7) States with no lockdown have no higher rates of infection or mortality than locked down states.  (Spiked)

8) Another state caught faking coronavirus statistics.  (Daily Wire)

9) The lockdown will accelerate Social Security insolvency. (reason)

10) A lockdown for thee but not for me:  a Democratic bundler, a D.C. city councilperson, and a CNN producer have a dinner party in Georgetown.  (DCist/WAMU)

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