Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Stay Home! - or Protest! - and Read This! A Coronavirus Reading Sampler (August 22, 2020)

We are offering our top 10 selections, probably daily, of the best (most interesting, weirdest) articles and podcasts on COVID-19 and American policy responses.

Overall our reading leads us to think there ARE and  SHOULD BE "libertarians in a pandemic," and that indeed non-libertarian policies are what make responses to the pandemic inadequate.

If we were religious we'd wonder if coronavirus were a biblical plague sent to punish the kind of people who are wishing death and disease on peaceful protesters asking for freedom of assembly and the right to earn a living. The hard hit areas do seem to be full of such people, perhaps in part because they were fans of government mass transit, which seems to be a vector for infection.

1) HIPA violation: Kentucky Governor Andy Bashear violates patient privacy, revealing 10 day old baby's coronavirus status before doctors tell his parents. (The Sun)

2) FDA authorizes at home COVID-19 test. (Inside Hook)

3) A timeline of Fauci's contradictory and revised statements. (Remnant Newspaper)

4) Massachusetts study shows coronavirus infection much wider spread than models had assumed. (UK Spectator)

5) A Harvard plan to centrally plan re-opening the economy; what could go wrong? (reason)

6) Attorney General Barr admits lockdown violates Constitutionally protected liberties. (National Review)

7) Facebook censors Re-Open protests based on extra-legal state government guidance. (The Federalist)

8) L'Etat, C'est Moi! Coronavirus positive ruling class politicians like Chris Cuomo and George Stephanpoulos and mainstream "journalists" refuse quarantine for themselves. And then the TMZ headline about George Stephanapoulos gets "updated"! (TMZ)

9) Ron Paul asks if lockdown was a big mistake (CampaignforLiberty)

10) Around the country and the world, jurisdictions not run by Democrats begin to re-open. ( 

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